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I’ve always been health conscious. However, the older I get, the more important this is for me. You see, I want to live long. I want to be healthy, active, and happy for the entirety of my life. I refuse to make bad decisions today that will impact my quality of life later. If this resonates with you, read on. I will share the top 10 healthy habits I recommend and why they made it on this list.
Greatest 10 Healthy Habits
1) Implement Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting has been referred to as the fountain of youth by many scientists. New studies are published regularly. Most researchers agree that adopting a fasting protocol can have many health benefits.
There are many different methods of intermittent fasting. Some of the most popular include time-restricted eating, alternate daily fasting, the 5:2 method, and OMAD (one meal a day).

Here is a list of some of the potential benefits:
- Improve insulin resistance and reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes
- Weight loss
- Better energy and mood
- Improved cholesterol levels and heart health
- Improved blood glucose levels
- Induce Autophagy
- Reduce inflammation
- May help prevent cancer and/or cancer recurrence
CAUTION: Some people should not implement any fasting regimen. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and people with previous eating disorders should stay away from any forms of fasting.
2) Switch to safer skincare products and makeup
Skincare products, like food items, are used daily. Some of them remain on our skin for the majority of the day.
Chemicals linked to cancer are used in cosmetics and sold in our favorite stores. Several countries have regulations and laws around what can be used, but several unfortunately don’t.
This means that consumers like you must take matters into their own hands.
This website, EWG, is a fantastic resource. You can look up thousands of products and understand their overall safety. From then, you can make an informed decision on what products to use.
For some of my favorite skincare products, check out this article.
3) Move daily
This may sound like I am stating the obvious here, but this is essential to feeling well and supporting your health.
You don’t even need to do formal workouts. Just be intentional about moving your body every day.
Clean your house, run errands, park further away, or have a dance party while you make dinner.
Even better, try to move outside if you can. 20 to 30 minutes outside every day can help lower your stress and absorb vitamin D which is crucial for proper calcium absorption.
For many more ideas on how to create an active lifestyle, click here.
4) Drink your water, but ditch the plastic
Number four of our top 10 healthy habits list is equally important for your health as for the planet’s health.
Single-use plastic must be reduced. It’s such as easy way to do your part in creating a more sustainable world.
Furthermore, a 2022 study found more than 400 potentially toxic substances in water that were stored in reusable plastic bottles for 24 hours. For this reason, I strongly encourage you to swap your favorite plastic bottle for a stainless steel reusable bottle. Here is one very similar to mine which I love.
5) Eat nutritious food, but don’t stress too much over it

We all know that proper nutrition is key to health.
I am a firm believer in eating food filled with nutrients. I am equally as passionate about the importance of a varied diet. One of the best ways to achieve this in my opinion is to eat seasonally (if you leave somewhere with four seasons).
I also don’t subscribe to any rigid diets that aim to eliminate food groups or are overly restrictive. I believe in balance, moderation, and enjoying food (and life).
So, eat the cake and the fries, just don’t make them the core of your diet.
6) Prioritize sleep
Sleep is a non-negotiate. It is impossible to be healthy and thrive without sleep.
You might be surprised to hear that a lack of sleep can cause much more than fatigue. A lack of sleep can:
- increase your risk of illness (including mental illness)
- cause a lack of memory, concentration, and productivity
- affect your blood sugar
- increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases
If you struggle with sleep, read this blog post for amazing tips.
7) Keep your stress level low
Alright, I know, it’s easier said than done.
While some things are outside of our control, we do have control over how we react to things. Try to look for the positive in every situation and don’t obsess over things that are outside of your control.
Additionally, I do believe that we bring on a lot of stress into our lives. For example, we agree to social activities and are often responsible for the overwhelming packed calendar in front of us.
Spend a little time each week to plan and organize everything that is on your to-do list for the upcoming week. Feel free to cancel things that may no longer fit into your schedule and to ask others for help.
8) Move to non-toxic cleaning products
Many cleaning products, even those claiming to be “green” or “natural” contain toxic ingredients that can be harmful to your help.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to clean my kitchen counter which will later have food on it with products that can be detrimental to our health. Once again, you can use the EWG website to review how safe your cleaning products are.
Alternatively, you can opt to make your own cleaning products with easy-to-find ingredients. Here are my favorite homemade cleaning products.
9) Adopt some houseplants
I bet you did not see that one coming. Did you know that plants can improve the air quality in your home, lower your stress, and even help you recover from illness faster?

Additionally, taking care of plants is a fun hobby. A plant adds beauty to your home by bringing a little of nature inside.
10) Try dry brushing
Dry brushing can do much more than exfoliate your skin. It may help rid the body of toxins, stimulate the lymphatic system, and improve circulation and energy.
The practice has been around for hundreds of years. Although it has not been thoroughly researched, the possible benefits are enough to make the cut in this top 10 healthy habits list.
In conclusion
A healthy lifestyle is at your fingertips and largely under your control. It’s a matter of making yourself your number one priority. Your health should be a non-negotiable. I hope you have found a new tip or idea in this Top 10 healthy habits article that will support your efforts in creating a healthier you.
Let me know what is one of your favorite healthy habits.
Thanks for reading.
Cat xx