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Are you dealing with a picky eater? You are not alone. Studies have shown that up to 50% of preschool-age children are fussy about what they will or will not eat. If you are in this situation, take a deep breath and read on. This article will help you and serve as a guide with a picky eater list of tips and ideas.
Before we get into it, just note that if your child is a picky eater it is not your fault. Children learn from a young age that they have choices they can make on their own. We want them to learn how to make healthy and smart choices for they bodies. Early on, one of the easiest places for them to demonstrate this is through food. However, most picky eaters will outgrow this stage eventually. Just continue to be consistent with the tips below and your child will be just fine.

AMAZING tips for picky eater
1- Do not push, yell, punish, or bribe your child and respect their appetite
You might be nervous and worry that they are not getting enough food or proper nutrition. However, fighting with your child on this topic daily will not make them less picky. If anything, they will become more stubborn and you could damage your relationship with them.
Additionally, if you push your child to eat when they are not hungry, you increase the risk of creating unhealthy relationships with food that they could carry into their adult lives. The majority of picky eaters are eating enough food to support their growth. If you have concerns, contact your child’s pediatrician to confirm this as they track your child’s growth. As for the nutritional content, they are many tricks and ideas I will share later to ensure this is not a problem in the long term.
2- Do not make multiple meals
Cook one meal for the entire family. This will help your child understand that the meal is not up for negotiation. This rule will also make meal-time much easier for you. Many cultures around the world do not have the child meal vs adult meal concept and it works great. Teach children that food is food and don’t label the food as “kids” or “adults”. It is strongly recommended to have them eat the same food as adults from an early age. This will help reinforce the one-meal concept and will expose them to a wider variety of food.
3 – Include at least one food they like
Every time you serve your child a meal or snack, make sure it includes at least one food they have had before and that they like. It will reassure you that they are getting enough food and won’t leave the table hungry. However, it is up to them to decide if they chose to eat the other foods or not. If you are concerned with nutrients and vitamins, just make sure that you offer enough variety each day between each meals and snacks. It should keep their diet pretty well balanced overall. Again, if you have concerns and feel that you need to supplement with a vitamin you should talk to your child’s pediatrician.
4- Minimize and schedule snacks
It is easy to create a vicious circle of the child refusing to eat when it’s time for a meal if they consume too many snacks in between meals. As the adult, set the number of snacks your child can have each day as well as the ideal time to have it. In most households following a typical meal schedule (breakfast around 7, lunch around noon, and dinner around 6) one morning snack and one afternoon snack is often sufficient. Don’t forget to also limit sugary drinks as they can really ruin a child’s appetite.
5- Talk to them about why we eat and get them involved
Sure we enjoy food that tastes good but it is important to help your child understand that their body needs food. More specifically, their body needs different and specific things (like vitamins, minerals, protein, etc) found in food. Helping them understand why it’s important to eat certain food to stay strong and healthy can help them make better choices. Here is a site that has great content to teach school-age kids about food and nutrition.
Once they understand more about food, invite them to help you create healthy meal ideas for the family. This will allow you to continue to educate them around food and they are more likely to eat the broccoli if it was their suggestion to include it in the meal. Consider involving them in making the meal as well. It will teach them good skills and will greatly increase the likelihood of them eating or at least trying the food.
6- Lead by example
Always eat meals together as a family. Your children must see how you eat. Telling them to eat their vegetables if Mommy isn’t eating hers will be a hard sell. If you want them to have healthier eating habits, lead by example. In addition to teaching your fussy eater better eating habits, having dinner as a family has many other benefits, such as:
- teaching proper behaviors and manners to demonstrate at the table
- encourages discussions and increase connections between family members
- can reduce risks of weight struggle later in life
- improve communication skills

GENIUS ideas for picky eater
If fruits and vegetables are the issues
- Grate zucchini, carrots, or sweet potatoes and mix them into casseroles.
- Add any vegetables into a spaghetti sauce and blend it with a hand mixer.
- Add carrots, parsnip, spinach, avocado, or cauliflower to your mashed potatoes. If the child is skeptical because of the color, call it something fun such as “Hulk potatoes” if they are green.
- Add grated carrots, zucchini, bananas, or applesauce to a muffin recipe.
- Shred or chop veggies very small and add to meatballs or meatloaf.
- Start making smoothies, you can add any fruits or vegetables. The combinations are endless.
- Use dipping sauces (in moderation) such as cheese, ranch, hummus, or nut butter.
If protein/meat is the issue
- Try other forms of protein such as eggs, legumes, nuts, dairy, etc.
- Use more one-dish or casseroles. The child is more likely to eat the meat if it is mixed in with other things they like.
- Use dips or sauces (in moderation) to get them more interested.
- Blend tofu or nuts into sauces and smoothies.
- Use bone broth in mashed potatoes or to cook your rice.
In conclusion
I picky eater can be so stressful for parents but keep in mind it will likely pass just like the terrible twos. Implement the picky eater list of proven tips and ideas discussed in this article and be consistent. You got this!
Let me know if you have other great tips and ideas for picky eaters.
Thanks for reading, Cat xx