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An active lifestyle has been linked to increased longevity and reduced premature death in adults. Most of us know we should be active. However, knowing we should and implementing tactics to make this happen are two very different things. This blog post will help you find the right motivation for you. Furthermore, it will provide you with ways you can formally or less formally move towards a more active lifestyle.
Finding your motivation
To be successful with any new goal, or habit you are pursuing, you must first determine the why behind your decision.
I am sure you have experienced being extra motivated at something new only to drop it a few weeks later.
The reason we tend to do so is that we do not have a strong reason behind our decision. When something becomes harder, it is often easier to abandon it rather than push through the challenges.
Reflect on what is your why for wanting a more active lifestyle.
ACTION: Write down the reasons and put them somewhere you can see them every day.
As you contemplate your why, let me share several benefits associated with physical activity.
Benefits of an active lifestyle
According to studies and articles published by the CDC and the Mayo Clinic, incorporating regular physical activities into your life is a crucial component of health. Below are some known benefits.
- Reduce depression, stress, and anxiety
- Maintain the ability to think, learn and demonstrate good judgment as we age
- Assist in maintaining a healthy weight
- Reduce several health risks such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancer
- Strengthen bones and muscles
- Improve ability to perform daily tasks
- Lower risk of falls
- Increase longevity
- Help manage some chronic health conditions
- Improve sleep quality
- Increase energy level
What is considered “active”?
There are several definitions out there. I have selected the one below, which seems to be agreed upon by multiple sources.
Experts break down physical activities into 2 different buckets, cardio, and strength.
It is recommended for healthy adults to spend 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio activity each week. Furthermore, it appears that spreading these sessions throughout the week could bring additional benefits.
Additionally, it is advised to spend at least 2 sessions of strength training each week focusing on each of the main muscle groups.
SUGGESTION: You could add 30 minutes of activity each day of the week and focus 2 of these on strength training to achieve the definition of an active lifestyle.
Traditional activities
There are tons of options when it comes to how you choose to become physically active.
- You can start walking or jogging. This is an easy option that requires little to no investment.
- Alternatively, you could sign up for a sport that you enjoy. My husband used to play basketball with co-workers twice a week. It was a great way to stay active while enjoying the company of friends.
- If you can afford it, you could consider joining your local gym. Make sure you pick a gym that is right for you. One where you feel comfortable exercising at. I would recommend choosing a gym that offers a variety of training classes. Even the most motivated person with the strongest why can and will likely get bored from time to time.
- Lastly, you could subscribe to online training programs if you want to be active from home. This option has worked best for me for the past several years. It allows me to work out first thing in the morning without having to factor in a commute. Same as for the gym, look at a program that offers a variety of training options. My current favorite is Alo Moves. It offers yoga, pilates, barre, HIIT, and more.

Organic activities
For some people, none of the traditional options work, or at least they don’t work regularly. Therefore, organically becoming a generally active person through your daily choices is a great route.
I consider myself to be quite fidgety but also a pro at multitasking. I always try to find ways to fill my time while waiting for something else. Over the years, I’ve collected a fair number of tricks you can do to add organic movement to your day.
- Walk the dog
- Pull weeds from the flower bed while watching the kids play
- Take the stairs
- Park further away
- Take a walk near the soccer field while your kid is at practice
- Don’t use the laundry basket to put away clothes (it will force you to take multiple trips)
- Never take a phone call sitting down, always stand, pace or go for a walk
- Stretch while you watch tv at night (it will also help you sleep better)
- Tidy up every time you have a few moments (you’ll find yourself squatting down, lifting things, going up and down the stairs, and walking all over your house)
- On office days, work standing if you can
- On office days, walk to find a coworker instead of sending them an email or instant message
- On office days, take walking meetings
Tips to succeed at living an active lifestyle
- Start small. Pick a few new habits to try and start there.
- Know your why, share it, and make it visible
- Find your motivation. Get a fitness watch that shows your progress, get an exercise buddy to stay on track, or set yourself a reward when you reach different milestones.
- When you get bored, remember your why and don’t quit. Simply switch up what you are doing to feel re-energized.
In conclusion
Ultimately, your health is your choice. However, I hope this article gave you the motivation to take small or larger steps toward a more active lifestyle.
Remember that health isn’t a destination. It’s a journey to experience life to the fullest.
Thanks for reading.
Cat xx