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Life is full of possibilities and opportunities. But the path to travel is often filled with obstacles and roadblocks to complicate the journey. I found myself facing one of the biggest roadblocks this week, a lack of motivation. I had lost my will for a moment. While I allowed myself to rest for a few days, I also did some deep reflection. I realized I needed to find my why again.
Find your why to find your will
We have all heard the stats. According to a 2019 article by Forbes, 80% of people who make resolutions will fail. Yet, 100% of these people were convinced that this time, they were going to succeed and beat the odds. They had good intentions, many of them wrote them down and shared them with an accountability partner. But February or March came around and they had abandoned their goal.
The truth is, the reason we fail is that we do not know our why or we forget it. Our why is key to succeeding in all aspects of our lives. Without knowing our why, our focus and desire to accomplish something that requires effort will fade and disappear.
Additionally, the quality of your why is important. A why that connects you to a greater cause or that involves the well-being of others will be more powerful in those moments where you question whether to quit or continue.
Let’s look at an example. The goal of losing 10 pounds before the summer can have many underlying whys. Perhaps you want to look good for your beach vacation. Or maybe you want to do so to inspire your children to live a healthier life by eating better and being more active. Which of the two whys do you think is more likely to motivate you to achieve your goal?
Having a clear why doesn’t mean the journey will be easy. But it provides you an anchor to rely on when your motivation fades away. For more information around finding your why, I highly recommend Simon Sinek’s book “Find your why”.
Fulfill your purpose to love your life
We live in a society of consumption where wanting more and having more than our friends and neighbors often seem to be the focus. We are losing our individualism and our ability to know what WE want as unique people.
Reflecting on what our purpose/our why is and placing it at the center of all of our choices is key to creating a life we will love. We must stop comparing what we have to what others have. Unless our why is the same (which is unlikely), why would having the same thing matter at all? Why would it even make sense?
When our why is clear, the direction to follow becomes evident. We can see it and we believe in the possibilities ahead. We can refocus and find our will when it’s gone so that we can pursue what we know is supportive of our why.
In conclusion..
Only by following our why, can we find a life we truly love. A life where we find significance. A life that won’t leave us with regrets later.
Writing this today was especially helpful to me. It reminded me how to keep going when things are hard, I hope reading this article is providing you the support you need at this time to find your why, fulfill your purpose and love your life.
Cat xx