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Stress is a natural and shared emotion. It can even be beneficial in some situations. However, too much stress can send anyone into a downward spiral and destroy their sense of balance and happiness. Furthermore, balance itself is vital to keeping your sense of calm. Isn’t that quite the “chicken and the egg” dilemma? In my opinion, if you have balance, joy will follow. So, let’s look at eight foolproof tips for finding balance in life.
Finding balance meaning
Before we can find balance, let’s pause and ask ourselves a crucial question. What does finding balance for us even mean?
Everyone will have their specific definition. For some, it’s more about sleep or leisure. For others, it’s simply the right mix that leaves them feeling content and successful.
Ultimately, finding balance in life is all about leaving you feeling mostly stress-free with a strong sense of happiness.
If you cannot find time to do things that bring you joy, you won’t be happy. On the other hand, if you manage to integrate all the things you want but are constantly under extreme stress, you won’t be entirely happy. This is why we need balance.
The specifics of how to accomplish this will require you to assess want you desire, which will be our tip #1.
Tips for finding balance in life
1) Define balance
As we discussed, how we define balance will not be the same. I cannot tell you what balance is for you. This is an introspection activity that you must do for yourself.
When doing so, it’s necessary to consider several main categories. The ones I used are listed below:
- CHORES AND LIFE’S RESPONSIBILITIES include everything from cleaning the house to meal planning and making doctors’ appointments.
- HOBBIES AND ACTIVITIES include things such as reading, doing puzzles, or volunteering at the food pantry.
- RELATIONSHIP AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS include time spent with close family members, like your partner or children, but also with friends, acquaintances, or neighbors.
- HEALTH AND SELF-CARE apply to your rest, sleep, and exercising your body.
- PROFESSIONAL WORK (if applicable) is anytime you spend doing something you earn money for.
During this assessment, it’s crucial to determine what percentage of your time would be spent in each category in an ideal state. You might realize that this totals more than 100% of your time. This isn’t unusual, by the way. However, keep tweaking until you can get to 100%.
Pro tip: You do not need a spreadsheet and complex algorithms to do this. You just need a ballpark idea. An easy way to start is with the non-negotiable. Example: I work 8 hours each day and sleep 7 hours. This leaves me with 9 hours left each work day. See how this is already a lot more manageable?
It is possible that what you end with is not what you want deep down. However, it is your current reality. You need to have the right expectations of what kind of balance is possible for you. Therefore, if you only have a few hours each week for hobbies and self-care, it will be crucial to respect these sacred times.
2) Find joy in work and personal activities
I realize that it’s probably difficult to find joy in some jobs. However, I challenge you to do so. Maybe it’s the people you work with who bring you joy, or perhaps it’s the fact that you have a window in front of your desk.

While doing chores at home, find joy in making your house a beautiful and safe place for you and your family.
A great way to make something you don’t like more pleasant is to pair an activity you dislike with something you enjoy. For example, listen to a podcast while you clean the house or take a phone meeting while taking a walk outside.
If you are looking for a new inspirational podcast to listen to, check out my top 6 compilation.
Additionally, take time every day to be grateful for what you have. Learning to love the life you have is a sure way to improve your happiness.
3) Set boundaries
Once you determine how much you want and can spend in each category, you must set boundaries. Finding balance in life demands discipline. Here are some tactics to help you.
- Shutting down your computer after work
- Silence your social media notifications during work
- Set a timer to remain focused on a task
- Leave your phone outside of your bedroom while sleeping
- Have the confidence to say no to requests that don’t fit into your plan
- Share your plans with the people you live with
A fantastic psychological technique to adopt is to find physical actions to help your mind switch from one mode to another. For example, I often listen to a fictional book or a podcast when I get home from work. It helps my brain transition and knows it’s time to leave work behind. Once dinner is over and I transition from responsibility mode to hobby mode, I like to change into my pajama.
These simple actions help my mind follow the plan. Find things that you can start doing routinely to help with your transitions.
4) Be organized and prioritize

With limited time on your hands, the only way to fit everything you want to do into your schedule is to prioritize and be very organized.
You need to understand what tasks you cannot skip and how long everything takes. Once you have this information, you can start looking at your day, week, and month and plan everything out.
I encourage you to get a planner. It can be digital or paper, but this tool is a game-changer for a calm and drama-free life. It allows you to map out exactly when you’ll be able to complete each activity throughout the week and gives you a serene mind.
Pro tip: If you’ve never heard of time-blocking, check out this article. This is a phenomenal tool to become the organized person you’ve always admired.
5) Learn to say no
This is a tough one, isn’t it? Whether you are trying to say no to a friend or yourself. Because you want to do something doesn’t mean you can right now.
Stop trying to be a people pleaser. You are not responsible for anyone’s happiness other than your own,
Learn to set expectations with friends and family. It’s okay to explain that you are working on finding balance in life. Saying no today doesn’t mean you are cutting them off. Propose something else that fits your schedule better.
6) Drop the idea of perfection
It doesn’t exist. Perfection is a subjective concept, and it looks different for everyone. Stop trying to reach your idea of perfection.
You do not need to fix a complete from-scratch meal for your family every day.
It’s okay if you don’t make it to the gym every day.
The laundry will never be done.
Stop following people on social media who make you feel like you are less than who you are. Drop the people in your real life that have the same effect if you can. At a minimum, reduce how much time your spend with them.
7) Be flexible
And don’t sweat the small stuff. Life is full of surprises. Although we talked about planning, you cannot plan everything.
Understanding what’s on your plate and your weekly schedule will allow you to rearrange things when your spouse announces he has a work dinner during the time you plan to go to hot yoga. Sure, it’s annoying, but it’s not the end of the world.
However, it’s okay to ask him to clean the bathroom on Saturday so you can get that self-care in.
8) Keep yourself at the center
You are your number one priority. Let that sink in.
Even if you have children or a significant other. If you are not taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to care for them in the best way. As they say on planes, “put your own oxygen mask first before assisting others”.
I’ve seen too many men and women burn both ends of the candle only to fall apart in tragic ways. Listen to yourself. Find what brings you joy and incorporate that into your life. Even if it’s only a five minutes walk outside after lunch, take that time for yourself.
When you allow for those moments of pleasure, it makes the work much easier to handle.

In conclusion
Finding balance in life is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Imagine what a life with low stress and drama could mean for your well-being and happiness.
Let me know what other tips you use to reach a better life balance.
Cat xx