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Most of us live hectic lives running around, stressing, and pursuing our next big goal. In recent years, the hustling lifestyle has been glamorized with sayings such as “Be stronger than your excuses” or “Good things come to those who hustle”. There is nothing wrong with having goals and dreams and working for them. In fact, this is quite important to seek improvement and self-fulfillment. However, finding the right balance is crucial. In this article, I will share principles and tips to learn how to live a simple life.
What is happiness?

Happiness has been defined in many different ways. It is often explained as a state of emotional well-being where various joyful and pleasant emotions are felt. I like the idea that happiness is demonstrated through a peaceful life where the subject experiences consistency in health, joy, and fulfillment.
Happiness is personal and unique. There are no instructions to live a happy life. Each one of us must discover what happiness is to us and how to achieve it.
What is simple living and why it works?
At the root of simple living is the concept of possessing less. When someone owns less, they stop looking for happiness through material things. The subject doesn’t seek joy and fulfillment through possessions but through life experiences and emotions.
Furthermore, simple living promotes the idea of individuality. Each person should find their sources of happiness rather than trying to mirror someone else’s life. We’ve heard the expression, “keeping up with the Jones”, and simple living suggests the opposite to find happiness.
By adopting simplicity, one can focus on the self to fully understand true desires and sources of happiness. The redirection from possession to a more intentional life has been linked to reduced stress and increased mental and physical health.
Psychologists have been researching these concepts for a long time. A study from 2020 confirmed that increased upward social comparison is associated with elevated levels of depression and anxiety. A similar conclusion has been reached by scientists who analyzed the correlation between materialism and happiness.

How to live a simple life
1- Reduce your possessions
One of the best ways to simplify your life is to reduce the amount of stuff you own.
First, assess what you have and look for opportunities to trim down your collection. Consider donating things you have multiple of or selling objects that don’t truly bring you joy.
Second, stop buying new things. Ask yourself whether or not you need something before buying it, and try to discard another object when bringing the new addition home.
Check out this article if you need help decluttering your home.
Having less stuff simplifies life by reducing responsibilities associated with cleaning, repairing, and storing a lot of things.
Buying less will help you live within your means, therefore, decreasing your risk of money troubles. Lastly, by reducing your consumption, you will help support a more sustainable world.
2- Keep your schedule light

Having less also applies to accepting fewer commitments for activities beyond what provides you joy and peace. An over-scheduled life has a direct impact on your calm and well-being.
Discover what brings you happiness and learn to say no to invitations that are not supportive of the life you are trying to create. Finding joy in simple moments spent with those who mean more to you will promote the adoption of how to live a simple life.
3- Prioritize your relationships
Not all relationships bring us joy. Many individuals report feeling obligated to remain in stressful and even sometimes toxic relationships.
With limited availability, try to prioritize those who are supportive of your simplicity goals. While you may not be able to completely cut out a closed one from your life today, you can still limit your interactions with this person to a minimum. It is acceptable and healthy to re-evaluate how you spend your time and more importantly with whom.
4- Don’t compare yourself
You are unique and so is your life up to this point, your dreams and goals for the future. Comparing yourself will not bring you joy and life satisfaction.
Always remember the saying “the grass is not greener on the other side”. What you observe about others is only what they want you to see. People disproportionately share their successes and accomplishments. Everyone has ups and downs throughout their lives.
Always remember that social media is an illusion. People chose what to share. Try spending less time online and be selective regarding the accounts you chose to follow to ensure they make you feel good.
5- Don’t take life too seriously
Life happens and having realistic expectations is a crucial principle to simple living. You will experience challenges and unexpected situations. While some of those can be extremely difficult, some are likely less dramatic than you make them.
Learning to accept situations that are out of your control will help you find greater peace. Do what you can to improve the outcome, but don’t obsess over the things you cannot change. Spend your energy on what you can influence, and trust that it will all work out in the end.

“Perfection is an illusion and those who seek perfection will find themselves unfulfilled their whole life.” – unknown
In conclusion
Take ownership of your life. You are in the driver’s seat and you get to make your own decisions. If you do not feel at peace and fully happy consider re-evaluating some of your choices and implementing some of the principles listed above.
Life is short and you deserve to live your best one. Learn how to live a simple life to feel fulfilled and thrive.
Thank you for reading.
Cat xx