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Do you ever observe children? They can be throwing a tantrum one minute and be completely over it the next. This is because they live in the moment. We tend to lose this amazing as we become adults. We rethink the past and obsess about our next plan or goals. As a result, we end up with stress and anxiety. We struggle to be in the now and therefore, our happiness suffers. This article is about rethinking how you act so that you can be living in the present.
Make sure to read until the end for 10 actionable tips.
Focus on yourself
You first need to learn who you are and what you want out of life. The intense pressure of society to always compare yourselves to your neighbors has to stop. By focusing on others, you lose the present moment. You are putting your efforts into trying to become something you are not, simply to keep up with the Jones.

Right down your values and your goals. Reflect on whether your aspirations are truly what YOU want or what you think you should want.
It’s okay to not want to be the next CEO or to not want to run a marathon.
You will not find happiness, and you will not be able to enjoy the present moment if you are living someone else’s life.
Once you clarify your values and goals, make your decisions according to those principles.
Having the certainty and confidence that you are making the right choices for yourself will help you stop rethinking or reliving the past and support your quest toward living in the present.
Live within your means
So many people try to act today as if they already have the life they aspire to. It doesn’t matter what your goals and aspirations are, you must live within your current means. Appreciate what you have and can do for yourself now while you make decisions that align with your future goals.
As I said before, stop comparing yourself. You have no idea what someone else’s financial situation is. You don’t know if they have an emergency fund, a retirement plan, or how much debt they are facing. Make financial decisions that align with your reality, and be thankful for what you have at the moment. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your financial situation, just don’t spend the money until you have it.
According to a 2015 article, 72% of Americans reported feeling stressed about money. While it is possible to have financial problems even when you live within your means, having healthy financial habits is key to keeping stress low, increasing happiness, and living in the present.
Don’t take life so seriously
I owe this life lesson to my husband. At the core, whether I like to admit it or not, I tend to be a serious person. This trait doesn’t go away in stressful times.
However, life is too short to let small and often silly things ruin your day. Learn the art of putting things in perspective and adjusting your ways when life throws a curve ball at you.
Plan what you can and accept that life will throw obstacles along the way. Not every challenge is the end of the world. Take a breath, smile, laugh.
It’s only a bad day, not a bad life.
Every week, look at what needs to happen and organize your life as best as you can. If something needs to be adjusted, deal with it then. All you can do is prepare as best as you can.

Appreciate the journey
I have always enjoyed the “getting there” part of a trip. Whether it’s via road trip or by plane, as soon as I leave my house, the vacation is on. Furthermore, I try to enjoy and appreciate all of those moments. Life is no different. It’s a journey that has a more or less clear destination.
Enjoy the chapter of life you are in. Smile at the good, no matter how small, and learn from the challenges. Discover the benefits of journaling your thoughts and experiences. Incorporate writing a gratitude list every day to train your brain to be grateful for the good in your life.

Create space to care for yourself. Each day, make sure to spend at least 30 minutes doing something you enjoy. A meditation practice can help you resist the urge to rush somewhere else and miss the beauty around you. If you are interested to begin a meditation practice, check out this article.
Tips for living in the present
- Write down your goals: short-term (1-2 years), mid-term (3-5 years), and long-term (>5 years). Make sure each important decision you make supports the goals you have set. This will help you live in the present by removing fear, stress, and/or uncertainty associated with your future.
- Before buying something new, ask yourself: Do I really need this? Can I afford it? And wait 24 hours before buying it. A more stable financial situation will remove stress and allow you to simply enjoy the now.
- Have a “no electronic” block each day to be fully present in the now.
- Instate 30 minutes of me-time each day to care for yourself and recharge your batteries to be more motivated, energized, and able to handle your responsibilities.
- Start journaling to let go of consuming and negative thoughts that are keeping you in the past.
- Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day to learn to enjoy the journey.
- Implement a meditation practice to learn how to gently control your mind and thoughts on what matters at the moment.
- Create a budget and follow it to help you live within your means and remove financial stress from your life.
- Plan what you need to do and when you will do it. This will allow you to stop thinking about it and stay in the present.
- When you talk to someone, give your full attention. Make eye contact, put your phone down and actively listen and engage.
In conclusion..
Living in the present can be difficult for all of us. It’s a constant challenge to balance our thoughts, emotions, fears, and dreams. However, staying in the moment is achievable and can help you live with less stress, less anxiety, more purpose, and happiness.
I hope this article was helpful and that you will implement some of the tips. More importantly, I hope these tips help transform your life.
Thank you for reading.
Cat xx