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I don’t like to think of myself as a neat freak, but I do love to live in a very clean environment. I don’t think this makes me weird, just like I don’t think it makes people who are more tolerant of dust weird. I am just me. And I do realize others are similar or aspiring to be. Therefore, in this article, I will share what I believe are the top 15 most often forgotten things to clean in a home.

Most often forgotten things to clean
1- Top of cabinets
Dust tends to want to settle down. However, even dust that accumulates higher up in your home negatively impacts the air you breathe and is also likely to settle down on other things in your home. It’s a good idea to get a damp cloth and clean these hidden surfaces a few times a year.
2- Behind the toilet and the exterior base
I know. We all love cleaning the toilet, and now I’m suggesting you get on your knees next to it to clean the exterior base and the floor behind and around. It sounds gross, and it is. If you never or rarely scrub it, it’s probably going to be a yucky job at first.

Pro Tip: Clean this step every time you clean the bathroom. This way it will never have enough time to get too dirty.
3- Behind and under appliances and large furniture
Did you realize that every time you are wiping down the counters crumbs fall between the stove and counter? It goes right onto your floor and will remain there until you clean it. Moving these items takes a little longer but will help keep your home cleaner. It might even remove some strange odors.
4- Above fridge
Just like above the cabinets, the surface above your refrigerator should be frequently dusted. This is especially important if you store items on top of your fridge. That’s right. Because each time you move them, you also move the dust which will then fall onto other things in your home.
Pro Tip: Get into the habit of cleaning the top of your refrigerator every month when you clean the inside of your fridge.
5- Blinds

Have you checked your blinds lately? You should. Blinds collect tons of dust. Additionally, if they are located near the kitchen, they tend to get greasy and sticky which makes them even harder to clean. Use a damped cloth to clean dusty blinds once a quarter.
Pro Tip: If you are dealing with a greasy blind, fill the tub with soapy water and let it soak for at least 30 minutes before rinsing.
6- Window tracks
Window tracks are for sure another dirt collector. It makes sense since dust, pollen, and other outdoor debris are blown into your window. I usually let it be during the winter months, but when spring comes, I want to be able to let in some fresh air.
7- Baseboards
Baseboards are such a visible thing in your home and are very obvious to visitors in your home. While I don’t think you need to maintain a clean house for others if it is important to you, baseboards should be a priority.
Pro Tip: Get on a schedule where each week you dust the baseboards of a few rooms. This will keep the job manageable and the baseboards shiny.
8- Trash cans
No, I am not saying you need to clean outdoor trash cans like in the progressive commercial. But the kitchen trash can gets gross fast. Those food residues can make your kitchen quite stinky. Make it a habit to clean it frequently to avoid letting the situation deteriorate and having a super gross task ahead.
Pro Tip: Place a paper towel with a few drops of essential oil at the bottom of the trash for a clean and fresh smell.
9- Air vents and bathroom fans
Both the heat and cool air circulate in the air ducts in your home and comes out of the air vents. If you look at your vents, you’ll likely see dust covering the vent covers. To ensure the air you breathe is as clean as possible, I would make sure you include this in your seasonal cleaning schedule. The same goes for the equally problematic bathroom fans.

Pro Tip: For low to moderate amounts of dust, attach the small dusting brush to the vacuum arm and you should be able to vacuum the dust without removing the vent.
10- Decorative shelves
Most of us love to display small decorative items that we have collected over the years. They are pretty and give personality to our home. However, they get dusty like everything else in your home. Put these on a dusting rotation to ensure you stay on top of your long list of things to clean.
11- Light fixtures
This item is often forgotten because it’s not as visible. My kitchen light fixture is a flush mount style and several times per year, mostly in the spring and summer, I’ll notice dead spiders or other bugs inside. It is so gross. Add light fixtures to your list for a cleaner-looking home.
12- Ceiling fans
Not only do they collect dust, but dirty ceiling fans will spread dust around your home. If like us, you have the ceiling fans going year long, I dare you to stop them. You will be amazed (in a bad way) at the quantity of dust on each palm. This is a must-clean several times per year.
Pro Tip: My favorite way to clean ceiling fans is with the small vacuum brush using a step ladder as seen in the picture below. I think it does the most thorough job. Here is the current version of the vacuum I have, I love it!

13- Garbage disposal splashguard
This little rubber piece at the bottom of your sink that prevents food from splashing out of the garbage disposal when it’s running is one of the most disgusting things in your home. When I discovered it could be removed and saw all the gunk on it, I almost got sick. Take this piece out each week and deep clean it. I use dish soap and baking soda to make sure all the bacteria causing bad odors are eliminated.
14- Door knobs and light switches
These are germs collectors and should be cleaned often. It is quite unpleasant to grab a sticky doorknob, imagine when it’s not even in your home. Take time each week to give door handles and light switches a good wipe-down.
Pro Tip: It’s a great chore to give little kids in your home. Spray non-toxic cleaning spray on a washcloth and send them off. Here is a link to my favorite homemade non-toxic cleaning products.
15- Dishwasher interior
Last but not least, clean the interior of your dishwasher every month or so. A lot of gunk tends to accumulate at the bottom but also attaches to the seal around the door. This can eventually impact the effectiveness of your dishwasher and cause unpleasant odors.

Favorite cleaning products
- Glass bottles to make your own non-toxic cleaning products
- Sponges and magic erasers
- Washable dusters
- Cleaning cloth
- Full-size Dyson vacuum
- Lightweight Dyson vacuum
- Carpet cleaner
In conclusion
A clean home can be a source of pride but more importantly, it can contribute to your mental health and well-being, I hope this list of 15 most often forgotten things to clean inspires you to get going. Create a schedule to tackle them over the next few months. You’ll be amazed by how you feel when your house is truly clean.
Thanks for reading.
Cat xx