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A goal is defined as “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.” Based on this, let’s agree that everyone has at least one thing they desire. Therefore, it would be fair to say that we all have goals. However, without taking action towards achieving it, our desire is more of a dream than a goal. In this article, we will discuss this concept further and learn why are goals important in life.
Although indeed a very low percentage of people who sets goals achieve them because of poor planning and lack of accountability, setting goals is still highly beneficial. Let’s review why.

1. It gives you a sense of purpose
Setting goals forces you to think about what is it that you truly want in life. What gives you energy, what makes you get up in the morning and keeps you climbing the success ladder? Whether you know what your “why” is or not, it is inside of you ready to be uncovered. With your “why” front and center, make sure to surround yourself with people who give you positive energy and share or support your passion.
Your big why is the key to fine-tuning your inner compass and putting your purpose at the center of your life.
When things are particularly difficult, knowing your “why” is the key to keep working towards your goal and not giving up.
If you are interested to learn more about the “finding your why” concept, check out Simon Sinek’s website who came out and popularized it back in 2009.
2. It allows you to grow and achieve your full potential
We should all seek to continuously grow and improve. No matter who you are and where you are today, there is always more to learn. Setting appropriately challenging goals for yourself and creating an action plan to achieve them will give you the daily opportunity for growth and personal development. It ensures you are not just surviving your life but that you are thriving and creating a life you love and feel proud of.
Another aspect of why are goals important is they allow you to realistically assess your current capabilities and strength. You are being honest with where you are today and what you need to work on to achieve your goals. It puts you in charge of your destiny.
“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” –
3. It provides motivation and confidence
Having clear goals and a clear path to achieve them will automatically increase your drive and motivation. Your brain knows what you are shooting for and it knows how to get there. Every time you achieve a mini-goal, you get a boost of energy and pride. You want to feel this again and you are driven to move toward the next goal.
Furthermore, your confidence will get a major boost when you see your ability to succeed. You’ll want to set more goals that are even more challenging. You will steadily become a better and better version of yourself and see that your potential has NO LIMIT!

4. It helps you prioritize
People who succeed in achieving their goals and creating their dream life learn to say no. You are forced to make decisions every single day. You need to choose what to say yes to. By having clear goals and an action plan, it will become obvious to you how to decide what to accept into your busy life. Perhaps you will realize that planting a garden this year or volunteering for the 10th PTO event just doesn’t fit with achieving your goals. It doesn’t mean that what you are saying no to is not important. What it simply means is that you are self-aware. It means that to keep your balance, focus ,and happiness, you have to be selective.
You are in control of your life and your dreams. Always remember that you make the decisions because you know what is best for you to succeed at your goals.
5. It increases your patience
When you reflect on what you want in life to set goals, you are taking in the big picture. You realize that success comes to those who are in it for the long run and put in the necessary efforts to get where they want to be. Nothing is easy. Learning new things is not easy. Getting out of your comfort zone is not easy. Life is not easy.
Setting goals allow you to learn and practice patience and appreciate the journey. That is because big goals are made up of many small goals. Make sure to acknowledge and celebrate each small goal along the way. So have your goals, have your plans and take it one day at a time.
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” – Tony Robbins
In conclusion…
So why are goals important? Because you deserve to live your best life. Not setting goals doesn’t mean you will not have a good life. However, setting goals will enable you to grow into the best version of yourself and give back to the world in the most amazing way.
Finally, check back soon for an article focusing on how to set goals and be in the 20% of people who actually crush them.
Thanks for reading.
Live you best life,
Cat xx